Hill Area

60 000 m2

Hill Area consists of the arch, Lasnamäe slope and Oru area

  • Square meters:~60 000 m2
  • Electric power: 320kW (430 kW if necessary)
  • Light tower: 42 m, 230 steps
  • Singing stage: 32 x 73 m
  • Toilets: Oru lavatory: W 61, M 21 + gutter urinal with 44 taps
  • Hydrants:3
  • Capacity:~100 000 people
  • Additional information:
    • Main area for large concerts.
    • Includes area from Song arch to Lasnamäe gates.
    • The audience at the back will be able to see the stage due to the tilt of the slope.
    • One of the best and most popular grounds for large concerts in Estonia.
    • There is possible to use sea, Oru and Hill ticket terminals (Internet connection and telephone connection in Oru ticket terminal).
  • Additional possibilities: Sea lavatory. Several auxiliary buildings are available (kiosks, small houses etc.).
  • Parking will be organised by Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.
  • Price enquiry: korralda@lauluvaljak.ee or phone: 6 112 102

Additional services

Tallinna Lauluväljak

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